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What is an associate?

Let's say Jones & Associates is a leadership development company...

You are an independent coach.  They are the ‘associate partner’, you are the ‘associate’. Jones & Associates don’t want to hire coaches full time as they don’t know when they'll need them and they also want to offer diversity to their clients.


They win a piece of business, let’s say it’s a leadership development programme for managers, and Jones & Associates now need coaches to deliver that coaching work on their behalf.  They perhaps have more than they can personally deliver or they might not want to handle any delivery so they can concentrate on the client development and winning new business.


Jones & Associates call you and ask if you’d like to do the business. You are one of their associates and they think you would be a good match for the job.


There are a number of ways Jones & Associates might work with you:

  • generic associate work (i.e., facilitation); or

  • more strategically, where you are involved in design discussions, client management and even expanding the business opportunities in that client company.​


of the £1.8bn annual corporate coaching spend goes to existing relationships and referrals

Jones & Associates will charge their client a certain fee and pay you a percentage of that fee. Jones & Associates are part of the 76% of that £1.8bn market potential. The idea is that a relationship with them grants you access to that healthy sum.


To understand more of what it would take for you:

  • to be a profitable associate; and

  • to work with associate partners who are a good fit for you,

Click below to join TPA's five-module programme and community today! Access to the inside scoop on associate coaching and our vibrant community of coaches is included.

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