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The programme

5 modules that will grow your business

If you’ve wondered one of two things “I want to get associate business but I don’t know where to start..” or “I have an associate business but it’s not meeting my needs” then you're in the right place. The Profitable Associate Course can help.


The style of the audios is conversational and intended to give you ideas, inspire you and flatten your learning curve in the market. Some of the audios and materials here may provoke more questions than answers. It is intended to offer invaluable inspiration and experience to help you think differently about developing your business and an associate strategy.


We offer invaluable perspectives through interviews with coaching industry leaders who hire associates. We cover all aspects of associate work, myth-busting, what really is true and what simply isn’t. When you finish you’ll have a clearer idea of best practice and key mistakes to avoid.

Module contents


This is where you get clear about what you need to consider, the associate marketplace, your identity as an associate, where this work sits in your business and understand the mindset of the modern day associate versus the traditional one.

Building strong
AP relationships

This is the one about the approach, do’s and don’ts, and how you can get blown off course.


Handling the interview, benefitting from feedback and building your credibility with your new associate partners to accelerate your business success.

All about
the money

We coaches don’t talk openly about fees much – we’re going to reverse that in this module. Just what fees can you attract? How much influence can you have? What are the pitfalls? Can you get paid more? How to contract. 


In short, all you need to know.

Developing your

You’re getting strong results with the coachees, but can’t shout about it because they’re not ‘your’ clients.


How to build your brand and business from inside someone else’s business – ethically.


How to benefit from your good work AND support your associate partner.

Developing AP

This module gives you an insight into the different associate partner structures, the experience they want from you and how you get that experience.


Also covered - how to choose the right associate partner for you and how to avoid being led up the garden path.


and materials

In addition to the audios and handbooks for each module, you'll also find interviews with associate partners to give you the inside scoop.


Plus, sample contracts, agreements and other documents to help you with your coaching business.

Module content

Ginny Baillie, MCC

I’m Ginny Baillie, founder of The Profitable Associate. The programme launched over 2 years ago. and has always been well received but something was missing - the community aspect.


TPA is now a place to test ideas, get reliable feedback, have a rant about your business, buddy up and work through the modules, find work and importantly, to keep going.


I estimate that 85 - 90% of my business has come, over the last 20 years, from my relationships with other coaches. I can't find a successful coach who doesn't agree this is an essential part of this business. 


My hope is that you will find your tribe here at TPA as I have. I'm an active member of our community as are many other experienced coaches. Seek us out for help and encouragement along the way. 

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